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The Institute for Labor Studies’ (ILS) Acting Deputy Executive Director (DED) Patrick Patriwirawan, Jr, reiterated teleworking safety nets as one of the discussants during the webinar titled “Rethinking Work Arrangements: Telework Potential in the Philippines” organized by the Asian Institute of Management Rizalino S. Navarro Policy Center for Competitiveness (AIM RSN-PCC), in partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Philippines Office, held on October 21.

Manila – The latest installment of the Institute for Labor Studies’ (ILS) “Revive & Thrive” COVID-19 webinar series discussed in detail the concept of Universal Basic Income (UBI) during a StreamYard broadcast live via the official ILS Facebook page last October 14.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) successfully conducted the sixth series in its Revive & Thrive COVID-19 webinars in time for the celebration of the World Mental Health Day as streamed live via the official ILS Facebook page and published real time via StreamYard last October 6.

Titled “Between Resilience & Transformation:: Understanding Workers-powered Mental Health Care in the Philippines,” the webinar was formally opened by Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Undersecretary Benjo Santos M. Benavidez who stressed the importance of mental health as a decent work and development imperative.

Mindful of reaching more audience online and being inclusive, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) has made Filipino Sign Language (FSL) insets and closed captioning as key features in its webinars, piloting it in its sixth and seventh installments on mental health and universal basic income, respectively.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) was awarded its ISO 9001:2015 re-certification last September 9, 2020 by SOCOTEC Certification International, after a successful online audit of its processes via Microsoft Teams last July.