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The Institute for Labor Studies Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee named its 2019/2020 awardees in a virtual ceremony via Zoom on December 23.

The annual ILS PRAISE awards is in line with the Institutes’ annual Rewards and Recognition activity, which aims to uphold ILS core values by rewarding, recognizing, and providing incentives to employees who have shown exemplary and excellent performance and behavior in their delivery of service for Filipino workers.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) honored its 44-year old service retiree with an online tribute and send off via Zoom on December 23.

Ms. Presentacion C. Torres, Labor and Employment Officer (LEO) II of the Advocacy and Publications Division, has reached her compulsory retirement last November 23. She previously worked for the Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies (ILMS), from which ILS traced its roots prior to its creation in July 25, 1987 through Executive Order No. 251 issued by then President Corazon C. Aquino.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) completed its 2020 Internal Audit for the 2nd Semester conducted from December 21 -22 with the owners of 19 enrolled process areas.

This semester’s Internal Audit aims to assess the Institute’s continuing conformance and compliance to the ISO 9001:2015 and its established Quality Management System (QMS), and assist the organization in identifying potential areas for improvement. Being a self-check mechanism for the Institute, the audit also ensures that ILS meets or exceeds its client’s requirements.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) continues to advocate for international and local policies that zero in on a violence and harassment free workspace. This concern was tackled during the 9th ILS Revive and Thrive webinar titled, “More than rhetoric: Policy directions toward a world of work free from violence and harassment,” which was streamed live via the official ILS Facebook page last November 19.

Manila – The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) and the DOLE Philippine Overseas Labor & Office (POLO) in Singapore successfully co-organized a webinar discussing an alternative career option for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), and a future reintegration policy for displaced workers, as well for OFWs who seek to permanently return to the Philippines.