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ILS Acting Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba joined Department of Labor and Employment Undersecretary Ciriaco Lagunzad III and Assistant Secretary Alex Avila in attending the International Labour Organization event "Responsible Supply Chains in Asia: Project Launch and Stakeholders’ Engagement" held at Hotel Sofitel, Manila last November 20.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) participated in the first Workshop of the Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism for the Association of Southeast Asian (ASEAN) Labour Ministers Work Programme 2016-2020 held on 15-16 October 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

ILS OIC-Chief Labor and Employment Officer Bernard Mangulabnan moderated Session 2 of the workshop, which introduced the Monitoring & Evaluation results framework linking outputs to higher-level outcomes.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) ILS Acting Executive Director participates in the Korea/ILO Training Workshop on Employment Insurance from 15-21 in Seoul, South Korea.

The Training Workshop on Unemployment Insurance, jointly-organized by the International Labor Organization and the Korea Employment Information Service, was attended by tripartite representatives from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines.  Exec. Director Lobrin-Satumba was joined by Ms. Lucila Tarriela, Treasurer of the Employers Confederation of the Philippines, and Mr. Roberto Flores, Vice President of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines.

“Security issues are high policy issues. We should be able to detect, identify and address these security issues so we can better respond, anticipate, and prevent them from happening. If we are conscious of these security issues within our DOLE mandate and in our programs, then we will be able to anticipate these security issues. We will stop threats from happening in relation to our security strategy."

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) Acting Deputy Executive Director Patrick Patriwirawan, Jr. presented the Philippine Decent Work Agenda" during the High Level Conference on the Strategic Role of Social Dialogue in Participatory Governance, Promotion and Development of Quality Public Services & Ensuring Decent Work in the Public Sector held at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Manila last October 25.