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Ms. Mary Grace L. Riguer formally assumed the office of the Deputy Executive Director of the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS). With her family at her side, Deputy Executive Director Riguer took her oath of office before Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis-Baldoz in a ceremony last June 20, 2014 at the DOLE Conference Room, Intramuros, Manila.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) with the assistance of Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc., represented by Mr. James Empeño, held a Management Orientation and Setting of Quality Objectives workshop on 28 May 2014 at the Miramar Hotel, Roxas Boulevard, Manila.

The workshop aimed (1) to give the ILS an overview of ISO 9001:2008 and (2) to guide the participants in formulating the institute’s quality policy and objectives. The workshop highlighted the importance of knowing the institute’s customers as well as their needs and requirements.

In view of the implementation of DOLE e-Rulemaking web portal, the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) hosted an orientation session on “E-Consultation: The e-Rulemaking Web Portal as an Illustration” on 30 April 2014 at the Migration Information Resource Center (MIRC), Intramuros, Manila.

Facilitated by Mr. Malvin Dinlasan, ADB Consultant on e-Regulations project, the session sought to orient the participants on the project design, and on the use of Content Management System (CMS) platform for content migration. The primary objective of the session is to maximize user adoption of the eRulemaking portal and system.

ASPIRING TO GET ISO CERTIFICATION THIS YEAR, the Institute for Labor Studies underwent a QMS Initial Assessment last 7 May 2014 that was conducted by Mr. James Empeno of Rosahall Management Consultancy Inc.

The core research teams and support divisions underwent an initial assessment of its primary functions to identify the core processes that will be included in the QMS enrollment.

In line with monitoring the progress made by the DOLE and its social partners under the Philippine Labor and Employment Plan (LEP) 2011-2016, a Tripartite Validation Workshop was held on 15 May 2014 at the Institute for Labor Studies, Intramuros, Manila.