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Last May 15, 2018, Department  for Labor and Employment (DOLE) Undersecretary Ciriaco A. Lagunzad, newly-designated as the Undersecretary for Employment and Policy Support of DOLE, visited the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) and shared his wisdom and suggestions on influencing labor and employment policies and in honing their policy development strategies at the ILS iLearn conference room in Intramuros Manila

“How do you know if you’re making an impact? What is your happiness as a researcher? Have you ever analyzed the demands?” These were the introductory questions posed by Usec. Lagunzad to ILS researchers as a springboard to his discussions

Usec. Lagunzad explained that ILS, as policy researchers, should come up with deliberate strategies to create an impact. “You should find points and connect those points intersecting supply and demands to understand your impacts.”

He also encouraged ILS to influence community leaders by communicating its policy researches. “Package your communication in a way that they will clearly understand. Also, in framing it, know the political aspects at work.”

In response, ILS Acting Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba expressed her gratitude to Usec. Lagunzad for encouraging ILS and its employees to re-evaluate and deepen their appreciation of their functions.

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The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) is the policy research and advocacy arm of the Department of Labor and Employment. For more information about ILS products and services, please visit: or call Advocacy and Publications Division at 527-3590