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The research teams of the eight target studies by the Institute for Labor Studies are now in their data-gathering phase with surveys and focused-group discussions conducted in various regions of the country.

In line with the Labor and Employment Plan 2023-2028 (LEP), the ongoing research projects set to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2024 are the following:

  1. Mental Health at Work: Determinants of a Safe and Healthy Workforce
  2. Are we reAIdy?: An analysis of employer and workforce readiness of select industries for Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology 
  3. Updating of the National Green Jobs Human Resource Development Plan and Crafting of a Sectoral Human Resource Development Plan on Renewable Energy
  4. Levering Labor Standards in Trade Negotiations: A Convergent Parallel Analysis on Employment Impact and Labor Provisions of Trade Agreements
  5. Examining Just Transition in the Blue Economy of the Philippines
  6. Revisiting the Social Amelioration Program in the Sugar Industry using the Transformative Social Protection Framework
  7. Labor Management Councils and Grievance Machineries: Bipartite Dispute Mechanisms as Drivers of Industrial Peace
  8. Benchmarking Good Practices in Labor Standards Compliance and Labor Management Relations

The research projects are part of priorities identified during the 2024 DOLE-Wide Planning Exercise held earlier this year at the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), Quezon City.

The researchers are expected to have their preliminary findings by August and their final papers presented at the 13th DOLE Research Conference scheduled in November as the annual culminating policy advocacy activity of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Inter-Agency Committee on Research and Statistical Matters (IAC-RSM) led by the Institute.
