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 The Inter-Agency Committee on Research and Statistical Matters held its 4th IAC-RSM Meeting for 2017 last 24 November at the ECC Conference Room in Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City.

Representing Assistant Secretary Alex Avila, ILS OIC-Executive Director Ahmma Charisma Lobrin-Satumba presided the meeting. Also in attendance were Director Stella Banawis of the Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) and Director Dominique Rubia-Tutay of the Bureau of Local Employment (BLE).

Among the highlights of discussions was the proposal to create a training curriculum to support the 2017-2022 DOLE Research Agenda, along with the establishment of a research ethics committee and ethics manual for researchers.

Exec. Dir. Lobrin-Satumba reported that the ILS will be presenting 15 papers during the 6th DOLE Research Conference on December 12-13: Enhancing Skills Demand-supply Nexus: A Gap Analysis of the Bureau of Local Employment’s Programs in Line with the Philippine Qualifications Framework Implementation by John Emmanuel B. Villanueva; Legislative Analysis on the NLRC Appeal Bill by Tecelyn B. Maramag; A Case Study of Company Best Practices on Regularization of Workers in Contracting Arrangements by Ivan Cassidy F. Villena; A Study on Job Retention and Re-employment of Persons with Work-Related Disability (PWRDs) in Select Regions in the Philippines by Frances Camille G. Dumalaog; Gap Analysis of the Implementation of RA 9231 vis-a-vis RA 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act by Brenalyn A. Peji, WWRD; Programang Paggawa, Pa’no Ka Ginawa? Introducing Design Thinking in DOLE Regional Operations by Bernard Paul M. Mangulabnan; Gap Analysis of Key OSH Conventions by Brenalyn A. Peji; Safety and Working Conditions in Selected Small-Scale Mines in the Philippines by Malorie Joy O. Mones; A Study on Philippine Labor Market Integration: Introducing a DOLE Integrated Unemployment Benefit Program by Patrick P. Patriwirawan Jr.; and Process Evaluation of the Social Amelioration Program Socio-Economic Projects (SAP-SEP) and Tracer Study of the Educational Assistance Program (EDAP) by Maria Isabel D. Artajo, Stephanie Rose E. Flores, Paulina Kim C. Pacete.

Member agencies likewise presented updates on the researches they committed for 2017. Member agencies who will be presenting their research findings are the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC), Bureau of Local Employment (BLE), Employees’ Compensation Commission (ECC), and the National Wages and Productivity Commission.

The Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) is the policy research and advocacy arm of the Department of Labor and Employment. For more information on this story, please contact the Advocacy and Publications Division at 527-3490.